CCCC has fall color field trip every years since 2005. It is Starved Rock State Park, about two-hour drive from Urbana. We, Barry &I, left off 4:15am Saturday from Urbana. Unfortunately, the cloud was too thick there to get any good sun rise. Nevertheless, we wondered around and had a good time hiking and shooting. We visited Matthiessen State Park in the afternoon. It was a more interesting walk in my mind because it has a canyon with quite some water, which gives the life to the scene. But there were lots of people there and they kept getting into the picture. This is often a bit annoying although sometimes people make good complimentary to the scene. The group had a good dinner in Peru, IL and we stayed in La Quinta there. And we had a good time overall. Here is the
link to more pictures.
This is multi-exposure (9 or 5 I think) with long exposure. So total 1.6*9. This creates a good swirl feeling, which I like.

LaSalle Canyon

I like this one. It reminds me the electric field graph I learned in middle school.
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