I shot for practice for CSSA 2007 Moon Festival Show tonight. My stuff is not up to this task. It will be nice if I had an AF fast prime. The stage light is often dim and varies a lot. You need to change the exposure setting all the time. On the other hand, it is fairly dim often and my 16-45/4 is not up to the task. I shot often with Pentax-M 50/1.7. MF is manageable for things not move much, like singing, play, but it is very hard for fast moving stuff like dancing. Also, it will be nice to have selectable focus point because I often shot at F1.7 and the focus-frame approach often is not accurate enough. SMC is really cool. SMC 50/1.7 does not flare or flares very little with some strong direct light. I like to shoot in practice, I just stood on stage and shot, up close. I can shoot in the way I wanted, much better position than in the real show. Anyway here is a few and more on
I do not intend for this one. The slow shutter speed is due to the slow lens (16-45/4). But I like the feeling of the moving. And there is good comparison between the moving part and rest part.

This girl is too cute to miss.

This staff has a great emotion and I think the slightly out-of-focus (out of my intention) actually contribute to it.
really, f1.7 , it looks in bad quality
What do you mean? It looks fine for me. The last one is out-of-focus because I had no time to really MF.
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