Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Switch to Netbeans

I get fairly frustrated by Eclipse. It is nice and polished in most sense. However, a few things keep bothering me. A few essential tools in our work needs plugins. Svn and maven plugins are both problematic. Early this year, for some reason, svn plugin keeps freezing the eclipse. Maven plugin also feels somehow weird. I did not get it through until I start to use spring's Spring Tools Suite(STS), a customized eclipse from spring source. It is kind of nice with maven built-in. I still need to install svn plugin, which does not freeze anymore. But the svn commit often fails, not sure whether I should blame the plugin or the googlecode's svn repository though. But it is likely some suboptimal setting in svn plugin. However, maven plugin (M2eclipse) still runs sluggishly and occasionally it freezes STS, especially in the MacBook Pro (4G Ram, 2.4G T8300). It often takes 10 seconds or more to open a pom.xml files, even in a fairly powerful machine ( 2.4G Core Quad, 8G Ram). Our projects are reasonably complicated, dependency in the order of 100 things. It has some nice tool for maven, such as the search in dependency. But the speed is too slow. It takes even 10 seconds to switch to a window of pom.xml. Something seriously wrong with m2eclipse.

Recently Eclipse upgrade to 3.6. I tried to upgrade. But it does not work well for me. Some common shortcut key does not work such as Ctrl-Alt-C for commit.

I don't remember how it starts. I saw netbeans a few days ago. I used netbeans before eclipse. But it is a long time ago. In recent few projects, everyone else use s eclipse, so I use it as well. Well, I took a serious look at netbeans (6.9.1) this time, to my pleasure, it has maven and svn built-in. So it should be OK for my project. Our project is a multi-module maven project. I first thought the project is eclipse specified as we commit from eclipse. And I know for sure that there are some eclipse's setting in repository. I tried netbeans and it works. It actually works pretty better than I thought. It checkout the project into several projects, each module becomes a project. It actually is better, as now each project's default paths (src/test/web/res/..) are recognized automatically into the project viewer. In eclipse, it is one project and eclipse cannot recognize the default maven paths in modules. So they are all normal folders and it is quite inconvenient to look for the path I need within about 10 different folders. One plus. Well, soon I found a few other goodies. It automatically include the default ~/.m2/settings.xml into the project. This is fairly convenient because it does control quite some properties in the project and I often needs to modify it. And best of all, pom.xml opens fast. In the crude looking, it is treated as a simple xml file. And a close look shows that you can also open a dependency graph, which does take some time. But most time, I do not need to see that, I only need to work with it as simple xml.

Svn is not as powerful. It does not provide a svn repository view. However, you can checkout things and other normal tools like update, commit, merge, diff are there and that is enough for me.

And an extra plus is that it seems bundled with Spring. And I got some basic tools for spring out of box, such as bean editor...

Overall, netbeans seems to run faster. It does not looks as nice, swing is not as good as SWT. But it looks OK, and this is the secondary concerns for me. Things seems integrated more tightly in netbeans. Eclipse seems more module, everything comes in as plugin and there are lots of great plugin. But for my work, I only need those typical tools. And netbeans seems to serve me better.

I switched to netbeans and it works fine for me for a week now . We will see how it works out in more time.

Update: Dec. 16th, 2010
Two good things about Netbeans:
* It formated HTML corrected. You will definitely hate Eclipse/sprinesource when you try to auto-format html. Netbeans also take care of javascript in html <script> tag.
* Netbeans also understand javascript syntax to some degree and points out some obvious typo such as extra ";", "}", ... Javascript is nice, but hard to debug and often a small typo like that costs me half an hour as firebug/chrome developer tool does not realize it and reports some other errors and leads you everywhere but the correct place. That is a really benefit with Netbeans.

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