Saturday, June 26, 2010

Dojo, GWT

I have been looking into Dojo for a about 10 days. It is better than the plain javascript. And widgets are nice. Well, if I think about it again now, I might stick with GWT. Javascript is really not good for any developing.

Firebug/Chrome developing is kind of nice, but you run into lots more simple bugs that require lots of time. A simple thing such as typo in variable names and strings is usually silently ignored by browser and takes forever to debug. There I really miss java. I originally think to push more into the dojo side, but now I feel that I should keep as much in java side as possible. Much easier to handle and debug. Next time, if I need a really nice javascript site, I will definitely go to GWT. The java simulator at the beginning must be much easier.

Something nice for javascript. The pervasiveness of anonymous class, inner class, closure, are really nice features and open my eyes for new stuff. And Dojo DataGrid looks much nicer and supports much more features than the simple JSP Displaytag from Appfuse.

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