I started to think about today's post late. And one of the titles of tomorrow's CCCC's (Champaign County Camera Club) competition is Night Photography. I need to go to department, so I took a few night shots on Green-Wright Crossing. I mostly thought about the cars' light track. Unfortunately, traffic is fairly light, which reduce the density of it. I use ISO100, F22, which gives me about 10s. I used 10s-15s. And I tried the multiple-exposure of K10D. It supposes to average all the exposure and should give me more exposure time than one shot in this case. But it seems to give more weight to the last shot when averaging and makes the light-tracks in previous shots less obvious.
I am using the DA 16-45/4 this time. I just realized all my old posts' photos were taken by old MF lens. This is the first picture by AF lens. Well, I do not have really wide-angle for MF lens. (This is probably most because APS-frame. The wide-angle here will be ultra-wide-angle in MF era. ) My UV filter is kind of dirty, produce lots of flare. It really needs some cleaning. I am too lazy. The second shot is without the filter and has much less flare.

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